Monday, September 12, 2011

Crazy Dog

Chim thinks this bed is his Mommy.  He nurses on it before he goes to sleep.
I wouldn't go for a walk with Linda this morning, so she just took Chimmie.  Since I wasn't there to slow them down, Linda decided to run instead of walk.  Guess what?  Chimmie is afraid of running.  Yes, the dog who does figure-8 sprints 30 minutes straight around the backyard shied away from running.  He was afraid of Linda's feet or something.  She just made him follow behind her at the very end of the retractable leash.   Soon, he caught up to her then when he realized that it wasn't going to hurt her, sprinted ahead the last 3 houses.  She thinks he'll be OK with running from now on. When they got home, I was SO MAD I didn't go with them.  I was barking and crying at the top of the stairs.