Saturday, September 17, 2011

Calgon... Take Me Away

Even though Linda moved very carefully teaching her classes, her back is really hurting again.  A few times it was enough to make her leg go limp and she stumbled.  I'm super thankful Jerry came early this morning right after she left for work to take us out on the trail.  Chim has not been eating well and he's having some bathroom issues.  Jerry left a note saying he was perky during the walk and ate some treats, but would not touch his food.   After her classes were done, Linda had to clean the house because 5-6 friends are coming over in a little while to visit.  She couldn't move much, so it took her over 2 hours to do the simplest cleaning that takes just 45 minutes most days.  How in the world do people function with chronic back pain anyway?  It makes her really appreciate just how healthy she normally is.  It's four p.m. and she's just sitting down for some lunch.  After her bagel, it's just enough time for a hot bath to help ease the pain.