Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is It Bed Time Yet?

Paul came this morning and took us on the trail.  We had to bail early because the streams are still flooded and even parts of the path are totally covered with water.  Linda still has not gone down to see it, not even after her  classes today.  Since there wasn't very much sleeping last night, she wanted to nap today after work.  We all piled on the big bed, but never actually fell asleep.  Now it's time for her to leave for her dinner/bible study.  I know the second she shuts the door, Chim and I are hunkering down for a nap.  Hopefully she'll be so exhausted after her outing that she'll be able to quickly fall asleep tonight.  It's a good thing she has plans tonight or she would be in bed by 8 p.m.  

We miss Noah so much.  You can tell by this photo that he LOVES plums.  In fact, Noah pretty much enjoys life to the fullest no matter what he's doing.  Playing with toys, tooling around in the stroller, crawling after me, eating food, vacuuming.  He is just a happy baby!!