Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Looking for a Transporter

Linda just got home from dinner with Jerry. She explained why he could not get me today, and also why he can't get me tomorrow either. He is very important at his work and is doing his part to keep the United States safe from bad people. It's always good to be safe, that's for sure. Right now we are watching the Transporter 1 DVD that Jerry gave her. She wants to gear up for the new Transporter 3 being released next week. I'm not sure why Linda is getting so worked up about that Jason character. Sure, he can just about kill every bad guy ever and look pretty awesome doing it, but I keep her safe too. The other night when Tier got home late from school, I barked and barked to alert Linda that someone was coming into the house. If it would have been a bad man, she would have had plenty of notice.