Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beef.... It's Whats For Dinner

I think I died and went to doggy heaven. Wait, that can't be true because Snickers is not here. Today Jerry bought be a big fat juicy filet. Real steak, not the kind in the little can with the pretend steak inside. Linda grilled it for me and diced it up in super tiny bites. At first I thought it was a mistake and they put it on the floor by accident, but it was all mine! Both Linda and Jerry are vegetarian-vegans, so no chance they were going to eat it. There was almost a disaster with the remaining steak Linda had left out to cool. Chip cat thought it was hers, and she jumped up on the counter to stuff her face. Since Linda knows what a tricky cat Chip is, she put it way up on the top of the refrigerator, so it was safe and sound. I'm still all wound up. My energy level on the walk this afternoon was off the chart. Linda had to run to keep up with me. Jerry bought me a new toy today too when he came over! As if the day could get any better.