Sunday, November 2, 2008

Eeek! It's a Mice!!

When Linda was in her early 20's she lived with a roommate named Ron. They shared a TH and a big fat cat named Mork. (There was a Mindy too, but she ran away.) Anyway, the story in the news yesterday reminded her about something that happened at their TH. Yesterday, a North Carolina man bought some Arnold hot dog buns at a mega-store called BJ's. He was cooking up some hot dogs and reached inside the bag to get a bun. Instead of an empty bun, there was a whole dead mouse tucked inside the bun! The exact thing happened to Linda and Ron, except in their case, the mouse was still alive. Ron went into the pantry to get the loaf of bread for grilled cheese sandwiches. Linda was at the stove when she heard Ron shriek, throw the bread to the ceiling then run screaming out of the TH. There was a little mouse that had eaten it's way into the bag and was nestled inside the loaf stuffing its belly! Ron was terrified of mice. He was never the same and ended up moving out a month later. If we had a mouse in our house, Chip would take care of it before it ate any of our food!