Monday, September 14, 2009

Would a Supersize by an Uzi?

Fast food is not good for you. All that salt and saturated fat in the fries and burgers is a heart attack waiting to happen. All the sugar in the soda pop (Linda loves calling it soda pop!) and sweet desserts will rot your teeth and make you fat. The marijuana will make you stupid and the 45-caliber handguns are super lethal to your health. What? You didn't know marijuana and guns came with your drive-thru order? In a South Carolina Micky D's they did. Two teenagers were given the guns and drugs in a bag along with their burger order. They started driving down the road when they realized the strange happy meal prizes. A car trailing them from the restaurant pulled them over and demanded the bag of drugs and gun. Seems that the bag was given to the wrong car, it was for the thugs behind the two boys. The boys handed over the gun and weed (but kept their food) and the bad guys drove off without hurting them. I always wondered why Ronald looks so chill, now I know.