Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Deer are Scary

Death was almost at my door this evening. OK, that might be an exaggeration, but I was so scared that I was shaking like a bowl of jello. Linda hurried home from her last class to take me for a bike ride before she got ready for church. We were racing down the trail, but being careful because the leaves on the trail were wet and things were slippery. We slowed down a little to round a sharp bend and started down the hill. As we picked up speed, two deer jumped on the path RIGHT IN FRONT OF US and froze. Linda had to slam on the breaks to try and stop since the woods were on the right and left and there was no place to ditch the bike. We slid a little but were able to avoid hitting them, stopping just 3 feet or so in front of the pair. They did not move, we did not move... it was a stand-off. Then a baby deer came out of the woods and bound across the path. The other two deer followed. Linda had her phone, but was afraid to move and get it out until after they got in the undergrowth. She did take my photo immediately after. Look at my face, I look petrified!