Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Try Counting Choopies

I sure hope Linda does not have insomnia tonight again. Last night, I barely got a wink of sleep. She read until way after midnight, then tossed and turned and got up and down the entire night. It wasn't until it started getting light when she settled down. I might have to leave the big bed and go sleep in my kitchen bed tonight. I'm going to give her one more chance. She is reading this over my shoulder and said that she is so tired from teaching and moving the new stove that she thinks she won't have a lick of trouble falling asleep. Totally off the subject, Chip swatted me good and hard today because I looked at her wrong. There wasn't even food or toys involved. Linda said Chip must be going blind because she keeps sitting and staring at the wall. Linda is going to move some of the furniture around and see if Chip bumps into it. I can't wait for that!