Sunday, September 27, 2009

Looks Like an Apple Tree to Me

One day Chicken Little was eating her lunch. All of a sudden she is hit on the head with an acorn. Chicken Little, believing the sky is falling on her, skedaddles to tell the King. On her way she meets Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey and Foxy Loxy. All goes well until Foxy Loxy eats them all up, yum...yum. There are a few different endings, but this is the one Linda remembers reading in her book when she was little. Today, if you read a story like that to a child, you would be charged with emotional child abuse and child services would come and take your kid away. Which brings me to the real story. People in Massachusetts are under siege from falling acorns. They are falling so fast and hard that people are being bonked just walking to their cars. Some people are having to rake the acorns off their front yards. Please remember what happened to Chicken Little. If Foxy Loxy comes by to help you rake, RUN in the other direction.