Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Best Friend

If you are wondering why there has been no updates today, blame Linda. She left to teach this morning at 8:00 and did not come back until 3:00! (She has 5 classes in a row on Saturdays, so that leaves little Choopie all alone and bored.) She did take me for a quick walk at 3:00, but then she had to make something in the oven to take to her Care Team Group for dinner. She left again at 4:30 and just came back home a little while ago. Even though she was the tiredest she has ever been, she took me for a nighttime walk. It was the least she could do since she felt so bad I was alone so many hours. I really need a little puppy (or even a big dog) to keep me company. I never got lonely when Snickers was here and he kept me safe from mean cats with sharp claws. He was my everything.