Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stupendemys Geographicus

Why in the world you want to steal two 100 pound turtles? And how do you do it? Do you hold a piece of lettuce and say "here turtle-turtle" while he creeps up into your pick-up truck? The turtle napper broke into a petting farm park in Plaistow, N.H. and kidnapped 2 big turtles. The thief is either making turtle soup or thinks he has some pretty cool pets. What he doesn't know is that in order to stay alive, the turtles have to eat special food and need to be kept at a very specific temperature. The Stupendemys Geographicus was a prehistoric turtle that was 10 feet long and probably weighed 4,000 to 5,000 pounds. I'd like to see him steal that!