Saturday, August 30, 2008

Carpet Sharks

Whew! I just got back from an exciting outing with Linda. The new Pet (Dumb) Smart opened today. There was a big party with clowns, a radio station remote, free stuff and something very scary... a pen full of ferrets. They kind of look like skinny, squashed cats but make different sounds. I did not like them AT ALL. (Especially since they are called carpet sharks.) There were probably 50 dogs in the store while I was there. Since I was in my front-pack carrier I was higher up then all the other dogs. Once, every dog in there started barking and I had to hid down at the bottom of the pouch. I did touch noses with another Chihuahua and some kind of curly haired little dog, but the giant pit bulls and mastiffs scared me silly. At the check out, the boy gave me a dog cookie since I was a good girl. Every time I go out somewhere I am sooo tired when I get home. All the excitement wears me right out.