Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Do the Other 28% Sneeze?

There is this prophet guy named Muhammad who said that "Yawning is from Satan & that Allah likes sneezing." I'm not so sure about that, but if he found it on Wikipedia, it must be true. I hope this little puppy yawning isn't trying to call Satan. I yawn every morning when Linda takes me out of my bed to cuddle with her in the big bed. It doesn't take a scientists to know that dogs have empathy for their masters. We are very sensitive to your moods and feelings. In research published in the journal of Biology Letters, 72% of dogs will yawn right along with you when your tired. This week, a loyal dog stood guard 7 whole days over her masters dead body. I'm so loyal to Linda that I gladly help her eat her supper if she can't finish it. I also lay on her chest and tummy to keep her warm. I'm great at helping her fold the warm laundry. (The trailer for Beverly Hills Chihuahua is on TV right now, it looks hysterical! I hope Linda sneaks me in the theater in her purse.)