Thursday, June 14, 2012

Not Again!!

I might have to get Chim this shirt
What started out as a great day turned into a pretty stressful night for Linda.  She forgot the stinky problem in the backyard and let Chim out after work.  If you read the blog earlier, you know that he rolled in something horrible and had to have a bath.  Guess the first thing he did?  Give up?? He rolled in the same stinky smell!! She was hopping mad at him.  At least giving him a bath is easy and he seems to actually like it.  She is not looking forward to dealing with whatever is out there.  That's a mans job. 

Next, she seems to have lost Tierney's iPad that she borrowed.  When we got the house redone, she had to pack up everything so the carpet and hardwood could be laid.  She remembers thinking "I'm not going to pack this iPad because I'll forget which box it is in.  I also need to hide it so the workmen boys don't steal it.  Um... I'll hide it _____________.  That's all she remembers.  For the last two hours she has been looking in draws, cabinets, closets, boxes.....there is not one inch of space she has not searched.  In the process, she cut her finger digging in a box, smashed her forehead against a chair back and then hit the top of her head on the corner of a dresser. 
Linda said it grew legs and walked away.
Since Linda lost it, she is going to refund Tier what she spent on it.  She could buy her another one just like it, but it is the first generation iPad and I'm sure Tier would rather have the new fancy one.  She'll find it the same day Tier buys her new one.