Friday, June 8, 2012

Future Model

Linda is home from church. Sarah's little brother graduated!  Linda was in the nursery watching the babies (including Penelope!). They were all so good.  After the Graduation Ceremony, Tierney and Linda had an awesome photo shoot with Penny.  She posed in all sorts of settings, including riding on a pony and eating a gummy bear!  You'll have to wait until Tierney posts the photos on FB because Linda did not have her camera. 

Chimmie got the best new toy today.  It's a tennis ball with a rope through the middle.  He LOVED it!  He would hold it by the rope and sprint around the yard.  As he was running, the ball would sway up and hit him in the chest and then the head.  At one point he was hopping like a kangaroo.  Linda is going to try to get a video of him running with it.