Tuesday, June 26, 2012

He's BACK!

Chimi is totally back to his normal neurotic self.  He's not afraid of Linda's book, the deck steps, walking on the sidewalk or loud noises.  Today, a bird kept flying into the side of our house by the window and instead of being frightened, he thought it was a huge game.  If he could have jumped through the window to catch it, he would have. Now he's playing with his ball outside.

Yay for Jerry!  Even though he only had a few hours of sleep, he still came over after work to walk us.  The weather is just beautiful, perfect for a walk around the neighborhood.  Double Yay! for Linda too.  She did three back-to-back classes totally pain free and with a surplus of energy to boot.  She came home feeling perky and ready to make some dinner. Usually Tuesdays are no-dinner or just bread and water because the thought of cooking is overwhelming.  Maybe the 7 days of rest on vacation really did do her body good.  Hopefully after she eats she'll still be energetic enough to go to the grocery store to get coffee since she's been totally out for 2 days now.  It's not a big deal because she didn't have coffee once on vacation so really does not miss it much now.