Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cat Naps

After Linda's crazy night of 15 minute cat-naps every hour instead of sleeping 8 hours in a row, she so needed a nap.  Now she is super-charged and refreshed to go.  When she can't get up the steps to make it to the aerobic room and has to take the elevator, that's pretty tired.  In the first 5 minutes of class today she was out of it and her body would not cooperate.  She said it felt like she was trying to run in a dream, when everything goes in slow motion.  Eventually, her body responded and she was able to do the whole 2 hours.  Everyone thanked her and said it was a fun class, so I guess she did OK.  She is really glad she slept from 1-3 or she would not have been able to concentrate at church tonight.  Sometimes she feels like this Kitty.  She wants to eat, but she is just tooooooo tired!!!