Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Charge the Camera Batteries

Linda is really excited about spending time with Penelope tomorrow.   Last week was really fun for both of them.  Linda already has established a little routine.  First Penny drinks her bottle, then its play time under the jungle gym.  Next is story time followed by baby yoga and Pilates. Penny loves it and is really good at downward dog! Her core is already so strong she can stand up and kick like a Black Belt!  After her exercise, and a fresh diaper, its cuddle time with Woobie.  As soon as she falls asleep, Linda puts her in her rocking seat. Nap lasts for 30-40 minutes and then Penny is ready for a stroller ride or deck time in the sunshine.  Shes worked up an appetite for a second bottle and then the whole routine gets repeated until Mommy comes home. (Of course Linda takes 100 pictures of her too.  Tune in tomorrow afternoon to see some of their fun!) 
Nana and Penny after church tonight making their plans for tomorrow!