I had the best day in a very long time. Jerry came over to visit us while Linda was teaching. It was so good to see him again that I forgot all about being sad and did a happy dance! He gave me more love and attention then he gave Chimmie. One time Chim was so jealous that she nipped at my back legs but Jerry made him stop by giving him a swat with the rolled up paper. After we visited a while, he put our coats on for a winter walk. There was no grass to smell, but it was amazing to be able to run and get some exercise. I know it's weird that Chimmie is wearing a pink coat and he's a he, but Linda has not been able to find a boy coat with a "D" ring on the back for the leash hook.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Yeah for Jerry!
I had the best day in a very long time. Jerry came over to visit us while Linda was teaching. It was so good to see him again that I forgot all about being sad and did a happy dance! He gave me more love and attention then he gave Chimmie. One time Chim was so jealous that she nipped at my back legs but Jerry made him stop by giving him a swat with the rolled up paper. After we visited a while, he put our coats on for a winter walk. There was no grass to smell, but it was amazing to be able to run and get some exercise. I know it's weird that Chimmie is wearing a pink coat and he's a he, but Linda has not been able to find a boy coat with a "D" ring on the back for the leash hook.