Monday, January 24, 2011

Ruby Woo Red

At least Chimmie did not get into Linda's makeup today like this curious pooch. I'm official exhausted. I am so tired that I wish that bed time was right this second. Chimmie spent the entire day having the run of the house while Linda was in and out. That means that for the last 13 hours I've been having to deal with 7.5 pounds of TNT. Chimmie only stops playing or running when he's eating. As long as Linda's out, he can't eat... so that means he is annoying me. He wants the bed I'm laying in, the toy I'm playing with or the snack I'm chewing. Why doesn't he just calm down? ! ? I'll cut him a little slack because he has to go back to the Vet tomorrow and get his stitches out. oh no.... he is NOT going to to be happy.