Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is There a WEB MD for Pets??

Something is not looking right down near Chimmie's surgery area. Linda does not know what it is supposed to look like, but she is very worried that he chewed at something he wasn't supposed to. When she got home from her last class tonight, she let him out of the bathroom. He seemed to be acting OK, just a little calmer than normal. She decided to check his boy parts and there is something that is the size of a nickle and looks like a wilted mushroom near the stitches. (Please don't laugh at her, she honestly does not know if it is supposed to be there!) She never saw it before, so it is a result of the surgery. The stitches look fine, just a little redness. She called the vet but they already left for the day. Does anyone know what it could be? Is there a place she could email a photo of the scary looking clump? Maybe we should take him to the 24/7 vet. Oh, what to do???