Monday, January 10, 2011


I am stunned, flabbergasted, shocked! No, not because Chimmie is actually asleep and calm. It's because Tierney showed me how to check my stats on who reads my blog. I know I have a few steady readers who check daily. There are a few more who I know read it once or twice a week. After Linda looked at the stats on who is reading my blog, she did a little happy dance. I had no idea I had this many readers in so many countries across the world: Ready... here goes: United States-4,846; UK-313; South Korea-303; Canada-254; Australia-112; Germany-74; Mexico-45; France-22; Switzerland and Taiwan-20. I'm getting thousands and thousands of page views. Tierney said it's time to start putting ads on my blog to make some money. There is even a way that if the reader clicks on the ad and actually buys something from the site, I would get a little commission. It's official: I'm on my way to blog stardom! I'll be tanning in Cabos sipping some chilled chicken juice in no time.