I'm not proud of myself right now. I almost committed suicide by front door earlier. Linda was leaving for the YMCA to teach her kids TKD class. Since she is only gone 1 hour, she decided to leave Chimmie out of the bathroom. He was in there from 8-1 today, and she was feeling guilty cooping him back up. I was so distraught that she was leaving without locking him up, that when Linda opened the front door to leave for work, I bolted down the stairs and out the front door to try and go with her. She did not know I was escaping and shut the door on my belly before I ran outside! She caught me right away and scolded me. I was OK, not hurt from the door... but I'm begging you Linda.... until Chimmie relaxes, pretty please don't leave him out of the bathroom when you have to work!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Pretty Please!!
I'm not proud of myself right now. I almost committed suicide by front door earlier. Linda was leaving for the YMCA to teach her kids TKD class. Since she is only gone 1 hour, she decided to leave Chimmie out of the bathroom. He was in there from 8-1 today, and she was feeling guilty cooping him back up. I was so distraught that she was leaving without locking him up, that when Linda opened the front door to leave for work, I bolted down the stairs and out the front door to try and go with her. She did not know I was escaping and shut the door on my belly before I ran outside! She caught me right away and scolded me. I was OK, not hurt from the door... but I'm begging you Linda.... until Chimmie relaxes, pretty please don't leave him out of the bathroom when you have to work!