Another owl attack on a 4 pound Chihuahua is in the news. This time the Chi was on a leash and the man was able to keep the owl from flying away with it's intended prey. Linda is always on the lookout for hawks and owls on our trail walks. We also do a lot of late night walking, but we stick to the sidewalks. Most people have front porch lights on and it's not too dark, so I hope that will keep Mr. Owl away from us. Maybe Chimmie is big enough to frighten an potential bird attack. They will see his size and won't swoop down on little old me. When 80 pound Snickers was my walking pal, I was safe from everything.. other dogs, birds, foxes, deer. This photo was the taken the day before he went to dog heaven. His back legs were already not working and he was in so much pain. What a great old dog he was! Linda misses him everyday. Chimmie looks like a mini-Snickers, so she remembers Snicks every time she sees Chim.