Whew. What a day for Linda. She had a crazy day at the gym and came home to some very antsy dogs and one mad cat. We still can't walk because of the snow on some of the sidewalk so she played with us a little while to relieve some excess energy. Early this morning (like so early it was still dark) she dropped a plastic coffee cup lid into the dryer vent. In a million years she could not do it again if she tried. Since it might have melted and caused a fire, we had to call Paul to come over with his tools to take the dryer back off and fish out the lid. It only took 5 minutes and thank goodness the dryer works just fine. He played with Chimmie some while Linda vacuumed and shampooed the carpet. Still more laundry, cleaning up and studying for her exam she'll be taking this February. Believe it or not, she is STILL in her Tae Kwon Do uniform from when she got home from work at 1:00! I keep trying to get her to sit still and rest.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Crabby Cat
Whew. What a day for Linda. She had a crazy day at the gym and came home to some very antsy dogs and one mad cat. We still can't walk because of the snow on some of the sidewalk so she played with us a little while to relieve some excess energy. Early this morning (like so early it was still dark) she dropped a plastic coffee cup lid into the dryer vent. In a million years she could not do it again if she tried. Since it might have melted and caused a fire, we had to call Paul to come over with his tools to take the dryer back off and fish out the lid. It only took 5 minutes and thank goodness the dryer works just fine. He played with Chimmie some while Linda vacuumed and shampooed the carpet. Still more laundry, cleaning up and studying for her exam she'll be taking this February. Believe it or not, she is STILL in her Tae Kwon Do uniform from when she got home from work at 1:00! I keep trying to get her to sit still and rest.