Saturday, October 25, 2008

Snakes on a Bed

Forget about Snakes on a Plane. Today's story is about Snakes on a Bed. Yesterday Linda read me an article about a girl who was killed by her pet tiger python. The 13-foot snake did not want to take his medicine. Amanda Black, only 25 years old, died when the python strangled her to death. Yikes! Her husband found her dead on the bed while the snake was just chillin' on the bedroom floor. Now, I know what you are thinking. What in the world is Choopie doing sleeping inside a 20 foot pink snake? Linda got this snake for her birthday and like I said earlier this week, what's hers, is mine! I love snuggling inside the coils. At first I was scared of it and barked to make it go away. Now it is MINE! Snakes are also showing up in expensive spas. For $80, you can get a snake massage. Corn snakes and King snakes are awesome at deep tissue massage. They crawl up and down your spine and across your face. I think I'll spend my $80 on toys and treats and just sleep with Big Pink.