Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Got Your Back!

Back in the day before Snickers went home to be with Sheba in heaven, he was my guard dog against Chip cat. Chip would bully me just for fun, and Snickers would leap off his bed to save me. I loved it so much that sometimes I would instigate the fight just so he would save me! All he did was bark at Chip and chase her away, but it was still exciting. Now that I'm alone, Chip and are are much better friends. A poor orphan monkey who lives in the zoo was being bullied by the bigger primates. The zoo keeper gave the monkey his own guard dog to keep it save and stop the bulling. Chinese zoo has given an orphan monkey its own guard dog to stop it being bullied by bigger primates. Whenever the baby monkey gets bullied, the dog dashes up and drives the others away. And the baby monkey is also very smart. Each time he smells danger he runs to jump on the dog's back and holds on tight. The biggest monkey has been so mad about the guard dog that he has organized several ambushes to try and get at the baby monkey. Every time the dog has saved his charge.