Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ronald Captures Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is real and he is living in Maine. Locals in the area of Greene/Leeds have spotted the hairy 7-foot beast over and over during the past 25-years. Monday morning a couple saw the giant ape man crossing the road (Why? To get to the other side, of course.) The sightings have attracted the attention of crypto zoologists who are visiting the area investigating. Linda and I walk in the woods all the time and we've never seen Bigfoot. Once, a giant deer crossed the path right in front of us. He was walking really slow and just turned his head to look at us, as if to tell us to wait until he was past. I was so scared that I did not stop shaking all the way home. It took weeks before I would even let Linda put my harness on to go for a walk. If I saw Bigfoot, I would probably have a heart attack right on the spot. Photo from Big News about Bigfoot.