Monday, March 22, 2010


Linda does not send too many texts a day, maybe 1 or 2. Tierney probably sends 10 times that amount. A 16-year old girl in Chicago sends 100 times that amount! So many that she has lost feeling in her hands, has to wear braces on both wrists and get pain-killing injections right into her arms. She will be going under the knife to have surgery to fix her wrists. The girl has cut back her texting, but is still sending over 50 a day. Instead of getting the text monkey off her back and quiting, she wants to buy an iPhone because the touch screen won't hurt her as much. Does this girl have a parent who knows how to say "No"? Obviously the girl is not bright enough to stop on her own. (I had to look up text shortcuts on the net because I did not know any. There are actual sites with pages and pages of shortcuts you can learn. If teens studied their work as much as learning these shortcuts, they would be getting all A's. If you are like me, it says "been addicted to text.")