Thursday, March 18, 2010


Linda is constantly on the lookout for one of the many hawks what fly the skies over my house and in my woods. From 30 feet up, I look exactly like a bunny in the grass. I'm about the same size and coloring too. Our biggest fear is that a hawk is going to swoop down and carry me away. That is what happened on Monday to Poppy the chihuahua. Poppy was playing in the yard with one of her humans, a 9-year old little boy when a big bird dove down and grabbed the 3-pound dog in his sharp talons! The boy's mom looked up and saw Poppy flying away in the claws of the bird! Poppy was crying and screaming. How horrible. The humans searched and searched all night, finally the went to bed and prayed for Poppy's life. Early the next morning, Poppy was at the front door whining to come in. She was dirty and scratched, but in one piece. "Miracles can happen" said Elizabeth, the thankful Mom.