Sunday, March 21, 2010


We are getting our new TV tomorrow. Taylor could not bring it today because he had to study for a big exam tomorrow and Maryland was playing basketball this afternoon. Linda is becoming so high-tech. Now she has big TV, xbox, laptop, cellphone, and digital camera. The only thing she refuses to get is an answering machine on our home phone. People can call back if we don't answer. This girl took her high-tech love to the extreme if you ask me. She got little ports implanted in her head and tattoos next to what they are for. Instead of eating, she just plugs into her food port. Sleep? Too old fashioned. Instead of wasting all that time in bed, just plug in and Bam! you are rested. The top port is for her just to plug her head into her laptop. She can just use a cable and transfer data from her head to the computer. Is this the wave of the future?