Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Doody Duty

A few weeks ago I posted about a new Barbie who has 3 little pup's to paper train. Barbie uses a little bottle to give the pups a drink, then they pee on the pee-pee pad. The pad actually changes color after the dog uses it! Here is another Barbie and her dog Tanner. Tanner eats the little kibble bits then poops it out. The Barbie has a special magnetic scooper that picks up the poop and puts it in the little waste receptacle. Tanner will keep pooping as long as you keep feeding him. I wonder if the plastic food comes out as poop and you have to re-feed Tanner the poop? Ewww. I want to get both the pee-pee pad Barbie and the pooper-scooper Barbie. I wonder if they have a Kitty Cat Barbie? The cat could stink up the litter box, scratch your furniture and ignore you when you come home.