Monday, August 13, 2012

Waffles and a New Trick

Linda got to have the most amazing Belgium waffles tonight.  Taylor and Sarah invited her over for dinner after her classes.  Taylor made the batter from scratch, even whipping the egg whites and sugar together to form frothy peaks before mixing into the rest of the batter.  He made each waffle with half fresh blueberries and half chocolate chips. Sarah had all sorts of toppings on the table and two kinds of syrup.  She also made yummy cheesy-scrambled eggs and sausage links (which did not make it to Linda's plate.) 
"Don't worry Nana, Daddy is ready to catch me if I fall over"
Best of all, Nana got to hold Penelope and see her new trick!  Penny is sitting up by herself!  She loves sitting in her Around We Go Activity Center.  Penny can already do the complete 360 degree spin, even moving backwards. 
Now that Linda is home, she is debating between putting the laundry away, cleaning the house or watching an episode of Psych.  After a long day, I think Netflix will win out this time!