Thursday, August 16, 2012

So Tired....

Look Nana!  I'm almost walking!!
It turns out I only needed to be expressed and I don't have impacted glands or an infection.  I have to go back in 10 days for a recheck.  Going to the vet was still traumatic and I hated every second of it.  Jerry felt bad for me after the appointment so he took me to the Town Center with all the fountains, trees and dogs.  I usually love it there, but I wouldn't walk or even come out of the carry-me bag.  When we got home, I refused a walk around the neighborhood too.  Even Chim was acting weird at PW's house today.  When Linda picked him up after work, all he wanted to do was "be the baby." (That's a game we play where she holds us on our back like a baby and we just lay limp in her arms.)   Linda was gone from 8:30 this morning teaching classes and spending the day with Penelope.  She just got home, ate some dinner and is deciding if 8:00 p.m is to early to go to bed.  Both Chim and I are settled in for the night and Linda is not far behind.