Tierney calls him Mr. Mans |
Chim found his way back to Linda's side in the mornings. It was so out of character for him to dis her and change locations that she knew it wouldn't last. He's right where he should be... his entire body shoved up against her side and securely tucked under her arm as she types. He's sucking Woobie and making his little mewls and nursing noises. Chimi is without a doubt the sweetest dog walking this planet. He's quirky and crazy for sure, but his loving personality makes up for all the other weirdness. (Like being afraid of leaves blowing across a sidewalk, plastic bags, some bikes and strollers, paperback books...) There was a time when Linda actually thought about finding a new home for him. The first few months he lived here was pure he-double hockey sticks. Chim was in her face 100% of the time, trying to get her to throw a ball, play tug of war, lick her ears, and get rubs. When she would bend over to put her pony tail up, he'd grab onto her hair and tug as hard as he could thinking it was a tug of war game! She remembers actually screaming one time when she was trying to fold laundry and he kept charging through the piles messing it all up. (Now he's still afraid of a pile of laundry) He actually headbutted me down the flight of stairs twice during the first year he lived here. Chim is still jealous, but now he just nudges me, he doesn't ram me like dolphin hitting a shark. All that is past. He's now such an obedient dog that she never has problems like that anymore. If only she could start to trust him to be home alone and let him have the run of the house. Since our new hardwood and carpet was installed, she hasn't even tested him again since the last time, about a year ago, resulted in a huge hole in the carpet. He used to get really nervous when she's not home that he would destroy things by anxiously chewing. Unless she trusts him and gives him a second chance, she'll never find out if he's now more relaxed without her and will just stay in his bed sleeping.