Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beware of Coyotes

I can't remember if I've already reported on this, but it was in the news again today, so I figured it would be good to remind everyone.  Northern Virginia has had a resurgence of coyotes prowling our woods. Small dogs and cats have already been killed in attacks.  The reports are warning people to keep their pets inside at night and not let them off leash during wooded walks.  

 One time last year Linda thought she saw a coyote running in our woods, but it was probably just a mangy dog running lose.  She is studying all the characteristics of coyotes just in case.  Look! The black nose, pointed muzzle, long legs, large upright triangular ears, sharp teeth, brown/cream/black coat sounds exactly like Chimi.  The only difference is the body shape.  Chim is skinny as a pencil and the coyote body looks thick.