Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Killer Yorkies

 Linda has been watching a TV show on Netflix called White Collar.  As you know, Linda never has the TV on as "background" noise or just to channel surf.  In fact, for years she never even had a TV.  Linda has an all-or-nothing mentality.  If she reads a book and likes it, she reads every book written by the author.  If she finds a pair of jeans that fit perfect, she buys every color in stock (even the petite size to wear as ankle pants) When she finds a  TV show she likes, she has to watch all the back episodes.  That's how it was with Prison Break, Lie to Me and now White Collar.  It's a good thing it's only been around 5 shows in the past 10 years she got hooked on or it could easily become a TV addiction.  Now that she is caught up on White Collar, she is only going to watch TV once a week for an hour when the show is on.  It will be hard because it's Shark Week.  In the past, she was fascinated with the shark shows.  Once you start watching, you can't help it and get sucked in!

Watch this adorable recreation of  Shark Week starring a tiny Yorkie just my size and a kitty.  I could so see Chip, Chim and I making this video. 

We would have to get an XXL costume for Chip
"I am NOT wearing a shark costume.  Just try and make me"