Imagine having a Lego stuck up your nose for 3 years and not knowing it? A little 6 year old boy named Isaak did just that. When he was three years old, he stuck a Lego tire off a car up into his nose and there it stayed until he was six! The kid kept getting sinus infections, couldn't breath very well, had trouble sleeping and just didn't feel very good. Dr's kept prescribing all sorts of medicines and antibiotics and asking him if he put anything in his nose. "No, said Isaak, just some spaghetti but that already came out." Finally, one Dr. (how in the world did the other Dr.'s miss it?) noticed a shadow way up his nose. A specialist removed the fungus covered Lego. The parents felt bad, but how in the world would they know if even Doctors did not catch it?
(P.S. Writing this reminded her of the time Taylor, the world's pickiest eater as a kid, hid the food off his plate in the VCR slot because he didn't want to eat it.)