Monday, November 2, 2009

Spoons and Forks Plus 78

Back in the day we used to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. It was a fun show at the beginning, but it turned into a train wreck in the later years. Tier even sold her Ed Hardy sneakers at the yard sale this weekend because Jon wears the brand and she thinks he is a dolt. We purposely sold them for only .25 cents. Take that Jon Gosselin. Anyway, one of the shows involved the dog, Shoka-Laka (I don't remember the dogs names. It was something like that.) swallowing a little toy pony. They x-rayed his tummy and there was the pony. He had to have it cut out. That was bad, but not as bad as Margaret Daalmans. The 52 year old women had surgery to remove 78 forks and spoons from her stomach. She had some kind of compulsion that caused her to swallow silverware. The lady is having therapy and responding well to treatment. You can google her name and see the x-ray for yourself. Oh, and Kate gave the dogs Shoka-Laka and Boom-Boom back to the breeders because they were too much trouble.