Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Greatest Escapologists in History.

Choop-ini and Houdini. No matter how secure Linda makes the kitchen gates, I'm able to work and work to squeeze out. All this time Linda has been blaming Tierney for not securing the gates when she leaves for school or work. Little did she know that it was me all along. They both went out to the grocery store this afternoon. Linda made sure that the gates were secure and even put the trash can against the side gate. But sure enough, as soon as they left I did my amazing Choop-ini act and busted out. Now she says she is buying extra secure gates to keep me in the kitchen...AND IT'S FOR MY OWN GOOD..blah, blah.... POISON THINGS....blah, blah...DANGEROUS CATS.....blah, blah... RUINING THE CARPET..... Maybe I can make all her
complaining disappear!