Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gangster Grub

I am such a picky eater. Linda has tried every kind of food at Pet Smart, Target, Giant and even some expensive cans from the vet's office. She's created home-made chicken and rice dishes; pasta and tuna and even tried organic baby food. I turn up my nose at everything. The only food I sometimes will eat is Little Cesar. The vet said it was "junk food" and I that I should eat the one she sells. Days go by and I won't eat that horrible stuff. I'll nibble on the dry food, but just enough to stay alive. See, dogs only have a few hundred taste buds compared to people who have 10,000. If a food smells good (or noses are way superior to your noses) we might be tempted to eat. We do have a sweet tooth though and will eat chocolate which is very poisonous and could kill us. Tonight I ate more then I've eaten in a long time. I ate 1 1/2 containers of Little Cesar!