Friday, September 28, 2012

Whoooooo Me?

The Culprit
There are so many nice things about our neighborhood.  It's quite (except for a few barking dogs during the day), there isn't a lot of drive by traffic, the houses are well-kept and attractive (except the house with the purple shutters that keeps their BBQ and lawn chairs set up on the front lawn), and best of all... our house is 100 yards from a beautiful trail head.  Linda's lived here over 25 years and still hasn't been on all the different trails.  When Snickers was alive, she was much more adventurous.  He could walk for hours without getting tired or distracted.  Plus, she always felt safe if she went off the beaten path and started exploring the woods.  He wouldn't let any scary bad men or crazed deer near her.  When she is walking with Chim and I, she always worries about us. There are some dangers like poisonous snakes and rabid animals that it would be hard to protect us from.  Today in the news, there is a new worry in our county:  attacking owls.  They are mostly attacking at dawn and dusk because that's when their vision isn't the best.  The owls are mistaking joggers ponytails for squirrels or small rodents!  Not only does Linda have a ponytail, but I actually am the same size and furry just like a small rodent!! One jogger in the next town over has been attacked on the trail two evenings in a row. Linda said we are still going to visit the trails, but she is going to wear a ball cap and carry a big stick.