Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Quit Your Whining

Linda is sitting on the couch after her two morning classes really wishing someone would bring her lunch. Shes hungry for a Subway Veggie Burger, but that would require getting her shoes back on, driving one whole mile to get her sandwich.  Even getting up to go down the hall to the kitchen to make something is sounding like sooo much work.   Last nights classes just wore her out.  Her muscles are just fried.  The 9:30 and 10:30 Wednesday morning classes are even on the easier side, but she was having problems squatting with just 5 pound weights on her shoulders.  Somehow, she is going to have to find the energy to teach two more classes and get ready for church tonight.  If she doesn't get some food, she'll just get more tired and lethargic.  The weather is pretty much perfect for a trail walk, but instead she just sat on the step and tossed the ball a bunch of times so Chim could stretch his legs and get some excess energy out.  Being a big fat whiner is doing no good at all.  I told her to suck it up and go get her sandwich.  There are millions of people who are starving right now and don't have any lunch at all.