Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Soul Food

Just out of curiosity, Linda checked the blog stats this afternoon.  Since she has never had any readers from India, she thought maybe the post about the vegetarian McD's might have lured someone.  Guess what!  For the first time we now have readers from India!!  It's pretty exciting, but at the same time she really hopes that they didn't get upset about the holy cow comment.  It was a true question... we don't know anything at all about the Hindu religion. The question about holy cows was real so she googled it and found out what makes them special.  Back in the olden days of India the cow was a symbol of wealth, but they were still eaten for supper.  The cows were special because the people drank a lot of milk and used cow poop to fertilize the fields. The Wiki article goes on to say something about magic mushrooms found in cow poop, but Linda just grazed over that part.  Also, Hindus believe everyone has a soul, even animals so killing it would be a sin.  (It seems some do eat chicken, so I guess chickens are exempt from souls.)   This explanation could be totally wrong since it was only on Wikipedia, but it sounds good.  The Vet who assisted Chip to cat heaven was Hindu.  He told Linda that he did not want to do it because only God can take a life.  He went ahead with it but only after making her feel even sadder for choosing to put Chip out of her suffering. 

P.S.  If you google "do chickens have souls" you can read the yahoo answers for yourself.... along with at least 10 other articles.  Who knew it was such a popular question! P.S.S.  Linda also googled "do IHOP waffles have souls" and there were two hits on that question too so maybe you better not not believe everything you read on the internet. 

May's Kitchen sells good old fashioned Southern soul food atop waffles, so in this case, waffles do have soul!