Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Enough Barking Already

Not you Penelope!
Remember me telling you about the house across the street from us? The one with the dare-devil kids and the motorcycle riding older Dad?  They also have 2 dogs.  Maybe 3.  We're not really sure because they don't walk them, so it's hard to tell.  They have a big fenced backyard that they must exercise in.  When the parents are working, there is a dog watcher (not walker since the lady lets them in the backyard for a total of maybe 3 minutes before she puts them back inside and drives away.)  Now that the weather is nicer, we have been leaving our windows open for fresh air.  So have the neighbors.  The dogs bark, non-stop... every time someone walks or rides a bike by the house, which is usually every few minutes.  Linda loves dogs, but it's making her crazy.  She has finally got Chimi relaxed enough not to get spun up by their barking. 
Just Chillin'

Tierney posted some adorable Penelope pictures to FB and of course Linda immediately had to save them for herself.  OHMYGOSH, she is really the cutest baby ever.  Linda bought her the little outfit she is wearing in the top two photos. 
Hey!  Who is that cute baby?