Thursday, September 27, 2012

Major Withdrawls

It's the first Thursday since Linda started watching Penny that she'll be missing! Ack! She needs her Penny fix.  She automatically almost took the exit their house after she was done teaching the kids class this morning.  Instead, she came straight home and decided to do chores.. then changed her mind and decide to practice her routines... then changed her mind and decided to check her email,blogs and FB.  Linda does great when her time is structured and she has a schedule. Not so good when things get moved around during the week.  Every Thursday is the same... 9:00 class, Penny 10-3, 4:00-6:30 classes, 7:00 prayer, 8:00 dinner... then bed.  Yesterday her schedule was different too.  Her back became inflamed and was really hurting, so she did not teach her afternoon class and then stayed home from church to ice her back and lay flat.  (One time during church it hurt so bad that she had to go out to the back lobby and lay on the floor while she listened to the teaching.  That's frowned upon though...)   Today, she can feel the swelling in her back (like the size of a walnut) but the discomfort isn't as intense.  It's strange how the pain is intermittent.

Instead of the real-deal Penelope, she'll have to make due with this adorable photo Sarah sent her this morning.  It looks like Penny is going to be a beachy kind of girl like her Mommy and Aunt Tierney.