Thursday, September 13, 2012

Preach It

After all Linda's belly-aching yesterday about being tired, sore and blah-blah-blah... she put on her big girl panties and went to Subway for lunch.  Wow!  It was like a shot of Red Bull mixed with 24-Hour energy drink.  As soon as she ate, she immediately started feeling better.  Not only did she teach her afternoon classes, but she had an emergency sub in the evening for an instructor whose husband was admitted to the ICU at John Hopkins!  There are only 3 evening Aqua instructors and the other girl was already teaching.  It's the first time Linda has missed church because of work.  She felt peace about it though, so she decided to help out just this once.  Being raised Catholic and going to Catholic school, sometimes Linda struggles with the nun imposed "guilt" that isn't Biblical.  It's all about a heart attitude, not a religious organization setting rules and regulations. 
This year Penny will be in the group photo!

Penny is leaving on her very first camping trip today.  Linda can't wait to go over in a little while and say goodbye to her.  Linda is going to give her a bunch of safety tips about poison ivy, staying clear of the campfire and watching out for Big Bears.  Sarah promised to share all the photos with Linda, so you'll be seeing some here.