Sunday, September 23, 2012

Welcome Fall

Linda decided to celebrate the first weekend of fall by making a carrot cake.  In her world, the only real cake that counts for anything is carrot cake. Other people love Red Velvet, white cake with sprinkles and pound cakes.  There is something just magical about carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.  She has probably only made two in her entire life.  It's such a labor intensive cake to make.  Instead of shredding a zillion carrots, she cheated and used already shredded carrots.  It's smelling amazing.  She said both Chim and I could have a taste before she frosts it (and after she picks out the raisins since they are not good for dogs.)
She had to use an 8" pan and a 9" pan, so the layers will be a little lopsided
After church, she went to Pet Smart to try and find some new food for us.  Since she stopped adding diced chicken to our canned food, we've stopped eating it.  It's been good for my waistline, but Chim's ribs are starting to really stick out.  So far can #1 wasn't a big hit.  There are two more flavors for us to try.  She was going to buy us each one of our favorite bones, but decided that $50 for bones was stupid.  They do last a long time, but still....
Instead of the very rare, expensive Elk antlers, she bought us these $3 bones.  Chim has the tail chewed off his already.  Of course I got the smaller porcupine since Chim is her favorite!