Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stump-B-Gone and Thinking Too Much

Linda is so glad that her dead pine tree is no more.  It was traumatic watching it be cut down, but it's for the best.  It was so dead and brittle, there was a real danger of it falling on the house.  There is a tornado warning for this afternoon and evening.  Even if the tornado does not hit our area, the winds will be damaging. You can see the rotten part right in the middle of what is left of it.  Linda is hoping that Stump-B-Gone will work.  Supposedly, by drilling holes and filling it with the special powder, the stump will turn into spongy pulp.  Check back in 8 weeks for an update on if it works!

 Ill admit I'm nervous about possible thunder and the high wind sounds.  I hate storms more than just about anything.  Linda will be gone for 4 hours at work, I just hope that we are safe waiting home for her.  Of course Chim won't be outside.  He'll be in his "den" which is really a bathroom that he has all to himself. (There are three full baths in our house, so it's no hardship on Linda.) He has his bed set up in the shower stall which is a pretty safe place to be in a tornado.  He has all his fresh water and toys handy.  It's a pretty sweet set up, much better than if he had to be locked in a small wire kennel. I can always hide under the couch or bed if things get scary.
Maybe I should take this saying to heart and stop thinking too much!